Wedding Etiquette: DO'S & DONT'S

Have a wedding to attend to, but no idea on what will you expect and what will they expect from you in the ceremony and reception area? Yeah! I've been on that dilemma 2 weeks ago and maybe at certain points we have the same feeling. And maybe, I just think so, you are worried on what would be the appropriate wedding attire, wedding make - up and hair on that day, the proper shoes and how will you behave? And maybe, on the day of the wedding, you earn a big black circle under your eye. (LAUGH). Stressful wedding, you are just a guest and yet you feel like you are the bride. (LAUGH again)

Dress: From my Mom Bag: CH Shoes: MY F+ Accessories: Gift Belt: Kikay Square

 Here are some do's and dont's on your wedding guest woes.

1.DO:  Pay attention to the deadline of the wedding. I mean, know the date, time and venue of wedding ceremony and reception. It will help you a lot in buying the gift earlier and also in picking up you perfect wedding guest dress, shoes, make - up and hair especially, Philippine weddings have a motif colors or themes as part of our tradition.

 DON'T: Bring a date not unless the invitation specified a name or a "plus" guest. Remember that each person cost a penny. It may sound terrible but that's reality.

2. DO: Buy a wedding gift early. To make you gift more personal, buy them early, when there's more a selection to choose from and longer time to choose from those selections. Otherwise, you'll end up buying garlic press, rolling pin combo or dish towel. (LAUGH).When buying a gift for a newly wed couples, make sure that they will use it as a married couple or things that they will share together like pillows, blanket, bedsheets and cover. To make it personalized, you can embroid the couples name on it.

DON'T: Bring big boxes for a gift. Yeah! I think this big box is awkward. And it is not really fashionable when your in high-heeled and you are carrying a big box, try to imagine. Cash or maybe a gift cards or voucher on a clean white envelope is better, and easy to keep on your purse. But if you insist to give a big box, you may choose to shipped to the couple's home before or after the wedding. Sounds great!
(My Former Teacher in Filipino when I was in Primary Level)

3. DO: Be on time. Even if the ceremony starts late, most of the time, it is better to be early. You don't want to miss the parade of the cute guys from the grooms family. Or maybe you don't want to be the wedding crasher because your pretty damn late and all of the attention is all yours during the wedding. Plan to be at the ceremony 20-30 minutes early.

DON'T:Be Late!don't be attention seeker, turn off your phone or put it on a silent mode.And DON'T take photographs during the ceremony Not only it is distracting to other guest, you may inadvertently get in the way of the wedding photographers.Leave that job to the professionals. Respect the sanctity of the ritual in front of you.

4. DO: Pay attention to the dress code.You don't want to look like attending a pajama party or worse, (LAUGH) and of course, you don't want to look like you are bride,right? Even if it's casual, always wear a dress, skirt or suit.Dress for the venue,but follow the instructions from the bride and groom.For the make - up, make it simple, yet elegant. For your hair, if you have that silky straight hair, let it flow.And on the shoes,high-heeled shoes is still the best!
(My Face on the day of the wedding)

I just want to share, I have one experience, my friend and I attended a very sophisticated and elegant wedding and we're both excited and feel the rush to buy a new dress and shoes. We haven't even notice the ceremony and reception venue. When the day of the wedding arrives, and at that moment, we are really really embarrassed because it is a beach wedding! (LAUGH).My high- heels stucked on the sand. And the make - up? Don't ask..It melted on my face like an ice cream. At the end of the day, my friend and I, still enjoy the reception because of the food.And lesson learned, try to notice every detail on the invitation, it will help you a lot.
5. DO: Congratulate and Party. What would be the nicest word for a new couple is to congratulate them. (And pray silently, that their marriage stays forever). Thank them for inviting you and tell them how much you enjoyed the wedding.Make party, mingle with other guest,dance on the floor and sign the guest book, it may seemed so cheesy but it is a way of the couple to remember who attended their special day.

DON'T: Get drunk.While a wedding is a time to enjoy yourself, no one appreciates a drunk guest embarrassing themselves. Drink moderately.And don't give a speech and toast unless you are invited to do so.

(The Bride-Groom and us)

Wohoo! These wedding etiquette surely tough but very reasonable to follow.
