
"Temptation is the feeling we get when encountered by opportunity to do what we innately know we shouldn't" - Maraboli 

We humans are always tempted to do things that we shouldn't suppose to do.The world is full of sins and sinners, so are we humans are always tempted. We are tempted to steal, to lie, to commit a crime, to cheat, to engage ourselves in adultery or concubinage and other sinful acts. 
Dress: 2bebe Necklace: F21

There are a lot of times I was tempted to do harm or think of dangerous ideas against other especially when I am angry. In simple things, I am easily tempted. Women weakness is shopping, I know you can relate with me. I won't deny that every time shopping day comes, that even if it's not on my list,I tend to buy stuff that I don't need (or maybe I need but not badly needed).Color, styles, sales and 50 to 70 percent off are all temptations. And at the end of the day, you'll ask yourself, "what the heck are all these stuff?" or "No more budget for...?" I call it compulsive buying disorder plus regret. 

I also had this unforgettable experience about temptation. If you know the term "hack". I am used to check my mails and Facebook every other day because my blogging schedule is once a week. And i don't know what kind of bad spirit came into me that I am tempted to open my bf's mail account because I know the password (or even if i don't know I'll still hack the account). And that was the most painful thing I've ever than in my life. And I never do it again, and you too. Sometimes, it is better not to know everything.


In many cases, we humans can resist everything except temptation especially if our inner devil soul speak "do it! open it! you have to know it!". Curiosity, one of the factor that drives a person to temptation. Being curios is not bad, actually curiosity does a lot of things. You can create impossible things to possible. But when a person, use his/her curiosity in a way that it'll cause harm to himself and others, that curiosity and temptation is danger. 

Temptation is a vast topic. For as long as you know who you are, what  you want, can make you win against every temptation. Think twice or if possible a hundred times before doing something forbidden. You're the one who can fight temptation, nobody will tell you what is right from what is wrong. Study life and compare it with your goal and dreams, make a way to avoid the danger of temptation and failure because temptation can make you fail.